Get Paid Faster & Secured
Accept Payments from any where and get directly deposited to you, Income flows in pretty quicker than before

Freedom to Accept Payments anywhere

Accept Payments Securely from anywhere and get paid directly to you. Wireless payments are faster way to get paid

Wireless Payments

Accept Payments Anywhere



Take Invoice Payments

Track Payments


Faster & Secured Payments

Accepting Payments more faster than before with our Payment solution

  • Allow customers to pay you faster
  • Accept Payment from any Credit or Debit Cards supported
  • Take Payments over the phone with your customer consent

Track & Refund if needed

Track all payments made on all invoices and allows you to refund or provide Store Credits

  • Organize Payments easily, we track the payment information to invoice balance amount
  • Get Real-time Alerts when your customer paid online
  • Track Payments who’s paid
  • Send Invoices to customers to get paid from Invoice

Reports & Dashboards

Accurate reporting and dashboards with more insights

  • View Real-time dashboard for full status of business
  • Get Individually organized how payments are made
  • Access to all Historical Payments

iQ Business Suite

One Software for all your Business need. Unique features and quality of our product will help your business to grow by seperating you out from competitors to find out how ? Book a Demo as first step towards sucess